In these first seven days of the new year, we have lost some people who celebrated Christmas and New Year's Day; others have taken vows to start a new beginning. Some of you have already returned to old habits by choice or guilt trips. Either way, you are back in your darkness.
Some try to stay positive and keep to the plan, but it is a challenging task or journey. The moral of this post is to take time to prioritize your wants, needs, and health. Do not allow any inexperienced expert guilt trip you back into that unhealthy place you vowed you would leave this year. Do one thing that you have wanted to do for some time within the boundaries of the law, of course
Be the best you can be so that you can be or become a blessing to someone coming along behind you.

Look in the mirror every morning and tell the person you see how much they matter and deserve the best!
Be awesome and stay FOCUSED!
C. Maria